Twenty Years After, or Choice Callers

Dedicated to all the choice callers who draw us into the dance, and in particular to Brad Foster, Fried Herman, and Helene Cornelius, who changed my life some twenty years ago.
Choreography:  © Sharon Green, 2008
Tune:Maxwell's Rant, (traditional)
Recording:Childgrove: Wanderlust
Formation:Duple Minor Longways Improper

A11-4R-h across once round, easing out into
 5-8With the next neighbor, L-sh gypsy once round into
A21-4With original neighbor, R-sh gypsy once round
 5-8In that original foursome, R-h across once round
B11-4[Face partner] Partners, Back-to-Back
  [on last beat, flip, turning R to face out of set]
 5-8Partners, Face-en-Face [end still facing out]
B21-2Neighbors, lead out
 3-4Neighbors wheel [men backing] to reform set
  [All now progressed]
 5-8Partners, set and turn single
Teaching tip: while waiting out at the top and bottom, do not cross over automatically. Instead, stay put to gypsy L-sh once round with new neighbor along the line, then R gypsy halfway to change places with your partner. This leaves the bottom couple proper and the top couple improper, ready to enter the dance in their new roles as Twos and Ones, respectively.

(It is also fine to cross over immediately and simply enjoy your L-sh gypsy with whoever comes your way. Likewise, the dance can be performed gender-free by substituting "[dancers on the left backing]" for "[men backing]" in B2, bars 3-4).